
Boomerang has extensive test coverage in the form of Unit Tests and End-to-End (E2E) Test suites.

Test Environment

To configure the test environment, you will need to install all of the required NPM and Bower dependencies:

npm install
bower install
node node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update

In addition, you should map the following two domains to

  • boomerang-test.local
  • boomerang-test2.local


# /etc/hosts or C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts boomerang-test.local boomerang-test2.local

Unit Tests

Boomerang's Unit Tests validate Boomerang's public APIs and utility functions.

Unit Tests should not depend on the environment (e.g. HTML structure, a specific browser, or other environment setup). If you need a specific environment, you should create an End-to-End (E2E) test.

Unit Tests are located in tests/unit/*.js. They are loosely organized into components or plugins.

Boomerang's Unit Tests can be run from your local browser or in headless mode:

grunt test

To build, run or debug the Unit Tests in your local browser, you will need to spawn a local webserver to host the tests/unit/* files. You can do this by running the following:

grunt test:debug

Once the webserver has started, you should be able to visit the following URL in your browser:


All Unit Test files are manually included via tests/unit/index.html.

In addition, you can run any of the following combinations to automatically run all tests/unit/*.js files via Grunt and Karma:

  • grunt test:unit
  • grunt test:unit:all
  • grunt test:unit:allHeadless
  • grunt test:unit:Chrome
  • grunt test:unit:ChromeHeadless
  • grunt test:unit:Firefox
  • grunt test:unit:FirefoxHeadless
  • grunt test:unit:Edge
  • grunt test:unit:IE
  • grunt test:unit:Opera
  • grunt test:unit:Safari

The Unit Tests utilize Chai Assert for validations.

End-to-End (E2E) Tests

Boomerang's End-to-End (E2E) Tests validate how Boomerang behaves in various scenarios and environments: user actions (e.g. navigating between pages), page constructions (e.g. with specific DOM elements), frameworks (e.g. SPAs), etc.

E2E Tests are located in tests/page-templates/**/*.[js|html]. They are loosely organized into subdirectories of scenarios or plugins.

Each E2E test has two files: 01-name.html contains the scenario (e.g. what is happening in the test) while 01-name.js contains the test validations.

When grunt test or grunt build:test is called, the tests/page-templates/**/* files are processed (templates applied) and output into tests/pages/, whose files are loaded by the browser during test execution. Some of the templates live in tests/page-templates/*.

The E2E Tests utilize Chai Assert for validations.

Boomerang's E2E Tests can be run from your local browser or in headless mode.

To build, run or debug the E2E Tests in your local browser, you will need to spawn a local webserver to host the tests/pages/* files. You can do this by running the following:

grunt test:debug

In addition, you can run any of the following combinations to automatically run all E2E tests files via Grunt and Protractor:

  • grunt test:e2e
  • grunt test:e2e:browser
  • grunt test:e2e:debug - will only run tests in tests/e2e/e2e-debug.json
  • grunt test:e2e:Chrome
  • grunt test:e2e:ChromeHeadless
  • grunt test:e2e:Firefox
  • grunt test:e2e:FirefoxHeadless
  • grunt test:e2e:Edge
  • grunt test:e2e:IE
  • grunt test:e2e:Safari