BOOMR.plugins. IPv6

Plugin to measure various IPv6 related metrics.

This plugin tries to do a few things:

  • Check if the client can connect to an IPv6 address
  • Check if the client can resolve DNS that points to an IPv6 address
  • Check latency of connecting to an IPv6 address
  • Check avg latency of doing DNS lookup to an IPv6 address (not worstcase)

You'll need a server that has an IPv6 address, and a DNS name to point to it. Additionally, this server needs to be configured to serve content requested from the IPv6 address and should not require a virtual host name. This means that you probably cannot use shared hosting that puts multiple hosts on the same IP address.

For information on how to include this plugin, see the Building tutorial.

Beacon Parameters

All beacon parameters are prefixed with ipv6_.

This plugin adds the following parameters to the beacon:

  • ipv6_latency: Latency in milliseconds of getting data from an IPv6 host when connecting to the IP. Set to NA if the client cannot connect to the IPv6 host.
  • ipv6_lookup: Latency of getting data from a hostname that resolves to an IPv6 address. Set to NA if the client cannot resolve or connect to the IPv6 host.



Initializes the plugin.


Name Type Description
config object


Name Type Argument Description
IPv6.ipv6_url string

An image URL referenced by its IPv6 address, eg, http://fe80::1/image-i.png.

If not specified, the test will abort.

IPv6.host_url string <optional>

An image URL on an IPv6 only host referenced by its DNS hostname.

The hostname should not resolve to an IPv4 address.

If not specified, the host test will be skipped.

IPv6.timeout string <optional>

The time, in milliseconds, that boomerang should wait for a network response before giving up and assuming that the request failed.

The default is 1200ms.


BOOMR.plugins.IPv6 The IPv6 plugin for chaining


Whether or not this plugin is complete


Type: boolean

true if the plugin is complete