Measuring arbitrary events

Boomerang has utility methods to assist in measuring the elapsed time of any arbitrary event you want to measure.

Note: If you want to measure XMLHttpRequests, you should utilize the AutoXHR plugin.

There are two ways of measuring events:

  1. Call BOOMR.requestStart() to mark the beginning of the event, then call .loaded() to mark when it is complete
  2. Call BOOMR.responseEnd() with your own timestamps or elapsed time

Both of these methods will trigger a beacon with the Page Group ( set to the input name.

Using BOOMR.requestStart

BOOMR.requestStart can be used to have Boomerang track a complete event. When BOOMR.requestStart is called, Boomerang will mark the start time.

Once the event is complete, you can call .loaded() on the returned object to mark the end timestamp.


var timer = BOOMR.requestStart("my-timer");
setTimeout(function() {
  // will send a beacon with the page group of "my-timer"
  // and an elapsed time of approximately 1 second
}, 1000);

Using BOOMR.responseEnd

BOOMR.responseEnd can be used to immediately send a beacon based on the given start time (and optional end time).


var startTime =;

setTimeout(function() {
  // immediately sends a beacon with the page group of "my-timer" and
  // measured from the startTime to now.
  BOOMR.responseEnd("my-timer", startTime);

  // you can also specify the end time, i.e. 500ms ago
  BOOMR.responseEnd("my-other-timer", startTime, {}, - 500);
}, 1000);