

Calls the ab-tests endpoint of the mPulse REST API with the passed in filters


token::AbstractString : The Repository authentication token fetched by calling mPulseAPI.getRepositoryToken

appKey::AbstractString : The App Key (formerly known as API key) for the app to query. If you don't know the App Key, use mPulseAPI.getRepositoryDomain to fetch a domain and then inspect domain["attributes"]["appKey"]

Keyword Arguments

filters::Dict : A dict of filters to pass to the mPulse Query API. For example Dict("page-group" => "foo-bar") will filter results to the foo-bar page-group. The resulting filters will be a merge of what is passed in and the default values with whatever is passed in taking precedence.

The default filters are:

    "date-comparator" => "Last24Hours",

The date-start and date-end filters accept a DateTime object while the date filter accepts a Date object.

If you'd like to use a ZonedDateTime, pass in its utc_datetime field:

filters = Dict(
    "date-comparator" => "Between",
    "date-start"      => ZonedDateTime(2016, 10, 19, 4, 30, TimeZone("America/New_York")).utc_datetime,
    "date-end"        => DateTime(2016, 10, 19, 16, 30)

To pass multiple values for a single filter, use an array:

filters = Dict(
    "beacon-type" => ["page view", "xhr", "spa", "spa_hard"],
    "page-group"  => ["product", "search"]

friendly_names::Bool=false : Specify whether column names in the DataFrame should be human friendly or developer friendly (default)

Human friendly column names are:

Test Name, Median Time (ms), MoE (ms), Measurements, % of total

Developer friendly column names are:

:test_name, :t_done_median, :t_done_moe, :t_done_count, :t_done_total_pc


mPulseAPIAuthException : If the token is invalid or has expired.

mPulseAPIException : If the API returned a non-200 status. Inspect mPulseAPIException.response for details about the problem

mPulseAPIRequestException : If the API was unhappy with a request parameter

mPulseAPIResultFormatException : If the API response had data in an unexpected data type


{DataFrame} A Julia DataFrame with the following columns:

test_name, t_done_median, t_done_moe, t_done_count, and t_done_total_pc

julia> pgroups = mPulseAPI.getABTestTimers(token, appKey)
69x5 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | test_name                   | t_done_median    | t_done_moe | t_done_count | t_done_total_pc |
| 1   | (No Value)                  | 3090             | 40.6601    | 49904        | 46.3069         |
| 2   | Test-A                      | 2557             | 51.7651    | 17779        | 16.4975         |
| 3   | Test-B                      | 4587             | 88.988     | 7248         | 6.72556         |
| 4   | BlueHead                    | 3463             | 120.895    | 6885         | 6.38872         |
| 5   | Campaign-XXX                | 3276             | 116.507    | 6688         | 6.20592         |
| 6   | Old-Site                    | 3292             | 165.514    | 2949         | 2.73643         |
| 7   | Slow-SRP                    | 2875             | 169.091    | 2386         | 2.21402         |

Get API results from the mPulse Query API

This method is a generic catch-all that queries the mPulse API and returns results as a Julia data structure matching the JSON structure of the specified API call


token::AbstractString : The Repository authentication token fetched by calling mPulseAPI.getRepositoryToken

appKey::AbstractString : The App Key (formerly known as API key) for the app to query. If you don't know the App Key, use mPulseAPI.getRepositoryDomain to fetch a domain and then inspect domain["attributes"]["appKey"]

query_type::AbstractString : The specific API query to make. Must be one of the following:

  • summary
  • histogram
  • sessions-per-page-load-time
  • metric-per-page-load-time
  • by-minute
  • geography
  • page-groups
  • browsers
  • bandwidth
  • ab-tests
  • timers-metrics
  • metrics-by-dimension

Keyword Arguments

filters::Dict : A dict of filters to pass to the mPulse Query API. For example Dict("page-group" => "foo-bar") will filter results to the foo-bar page-group. The resulting filters will be a merge of what is passed in and the default values with whatever is passed in taking precedence.

The default filters are:

    "date-comparator" => "Last24Hours",

The date-start and date-end filters accept a DateTime object while the date filter accepts a Date object.

If you'd like to use a ZonedDateTime, pass in its utc_datetime field:

filters = Dict(
    "date-comparator" => "Between",
    "date-start"      => ZonedDateTime(2016, 10, 19, 4, 30, TimeZone("America/New_York")).utc_datetime,
    "date-end"        => DateTime(2016, 10, 19, 16, 30)

To pass multiple values for a single filter, use an array:

filters = Dict(
    "beacon-type" => ["page view", "xhr", "spa", "spa_hard"],
    "page-group"  => ["product", "search"]


ArgumentError : If the query_type is not recognized

mPulseAPIAuthException : If the token is invalid or has expired.

mPulseAPIException : If the API returned a non-200 status. Inspect mPulseAPIException.response for details about the problem

mPulseAPIRequestException : If the API was unhappy with a request parameter


{Any} A Julia representation of the JSON returned by the API call. Convenience wrappers in this library may return more appropriate data structures.


Calls the browsers endpoint of the mPulse REST API with the passed in filters


token::AbstractString : The Repository authentication token fetched by calling mPulseAPI.getRepositoryToken

appKey::AbstractString : The App Key (formerly known as API key) for the app to query. If you don't know the App Key, use mPulseAPI.getRepositoryDomain to fetch a domain and then inspect domain["attributes"]["appKey"]

Keyword Arguments

filters::Dict : A dict of filters to pass to the mPulse Query API. For example Dict("page-group" => "foo-bar") will filter results to the foo-bar page-group. The resulting filters will be a merge of what is passed in and the default values with whatever is passed in taking precedence.

The default filters are:

    "date-comparator" => "Last24Hours",

The date-start and date-end filters accept a DateTime object while the date filter accepts a Date object.

If you'd like to use a ZonedDateTime, pass in its utc_datetime field:

filters = Dict(
    "date-comparator" => "Between",
    "date-start"      => ZonedDateTime(2016, 10, 19, 4, 30, TimeZone("America/New_York")).utc_datetime,
    "date-end"        => DateTime(2016, 10, 19, 16, 30)

To pass multiple values for a single filter, use an array:

filters = Dict(
    "beacon-type" => ["page view", "xhr", "spa", "spa_hard"],
    "page-group"  => ["product", "search"]

friendly_names::Bool=false : Specify whether column names in the DataFrame should be human friendly or developer friendly (default)

Human friendly column names are:

User Agent, Median Time (ms), MoE (ms), Measurements, % of total

Developer friendly column names are:

:user_agent, :t_done_median, :t_done_moe, :t_done_count, :t_done_total_pc


mPulseAPIAuthException : If the token is invalid or has expired.

mPulseAPIException : If the API returned a non-200 status. Inspect mPulseAPIException.response for details about the problem

mPulseAPIRequestException : If the API was unhappy with a request parameter

mPulseAPIResultFormatException : If the API response had data in an unexpected data type


{DataFrame} A Julia DataFrame with the following columns:

user_agent, t_done_median, t_done_moe, t_done_count, and t_done_total_pc

julia> pgroups = mPulseAPI.getBrowserTimers(token, appKey)
69x5 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | user_agent                  | t_done_median    | t_done_moe | t_done_count | t_done_total_pc |
| 1   | Chrome/50                   | 3090             | 40.6601    | 49904        | 46.3069         |
| 2   | Safari/9                    | 2557             | 51.7651    | 17779        | 16.4975         |
| 3   | Mobile Safari/9             | 4587             | 88.988     | 7248         | 6.72556         |
| 4   | Firefox/46                  | 3463             | 120.895    | 6885         | 6.38872         |
| 5   | Chrome/49                   | 3276             | 116.507    | 6688         | 6.20592         |
| 6   | IE/11                       | 3292             | 165.514    | 2949         | 2.73643         |
| 7   | Edge/13                     | 2875             | 169.091    | 2386         | 2.21402         |

Calls the geography endpoint of the mPulse REST API with the passed in filters


token::AbstractString : The Repository authentication token fetched by calling mPulseAPI.getRepositoryToken

appKey::AbstractString : The App Key (formerly known as API key) for the app to query. If you don't know the App Key, use mPulseAPI.getRepositoryDomain to fetch a domain and then inspect domain["attributes"]["appKey"]

Keyword Arguments

filters::Dict : A dict of filters to pass to the mPulse Query API. For example Dict("page-group" => "foo-bar") will filter results to the foo-bar page-group. The resulting filters will be a merge of what is passed in and the default values with whatever is passed in taking precedence.

The default filters are:

    "date-comparator" => "Last24Hours",

The date-start and date-end filters accept a DateTime object while the date filter accepts a Date object.

If you'd like to use a ZonedDateTime, pass in its utc_datetime field:

filters = Dict(
    "date-comparator" => "Between",
    "date-start"      => ZonedDateTime(2016, 10, 19, 4, 30, TimeZone("America/New_York")).utc_datetime,
    "date-end"        => DateTime(2016, 10, 19, 16, 30)

To pass multiple values for a single filter, use an array:

filters = Dict(
    "beacon-type" => ["page view", "xhr", "spa", "spa_hard"],
    "page-group"  => ["product", "search"]

friendly_names::Bool=false : Specify whether column names in the DataFrame should be human friendly or developer friendly (default)

Human friendly column names are:

Country, Median Time (ms), MoE (ms), Measurements, % of total

Developer friendly column names are:

:country, :t_done_median, :t_done_moe, :t_done_count, :t_done_total_pc


mPulseAPIAuthException : If the token is invalid or has expired.

mPulseAPIException : If the API returned a non-200 status. Inspect mPulseAPIException.response for details about the problem

mPulseAPIRequestException : If the API was unhappy with a request parameter

mPulseAPIResultFormatException : If the API response had data in an unexpected data type


{DataFrame} A Julia DataFrame with the following columns:

country, t_done_median, t_done_moe, t_done_count, and t_done_total_pc

julia> pgroups = mPulseAPI.getCountryTimers(token, appKey)
69x5 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | country                     | t_done_median    | t_done_moe | t_done_count | t_done_total_pc |
| 1   | US                          | 3090             | 40.6601    | 49904        | 46.3069         |
| 2   | CA                          | 2557             | 51.7651    | 17779        | 16.4975         |
| 3   | MX                          | 4587             | 88.988     | 7248         | 6.72556         |
| 4   | PH                          | 3463             | 120.895    | 6885         | 6.38872         |
| 5   | AU                          | 3276             | 116.507    | 6688         | 6.20592         |
| 6   | KR                          | 3292             | 165.514    | 2949         | 2.73643         |
| 7   | PE                          | 2875             | 169.091    | 2386         | 2.21402         |

Calls the histogram endpoint of the mPulse REST API with the passed in filters


token::AbstractString : The Repository authentication token fetched by calling mPulseAPI.getRepositoryToken

appKey::AbstractString : The App Key (formerly known as API key) for the app to query. If you don't know the App Key, use mPulseAPI.getRepositoryDomain to fetch a domain and then inspect domain["attributes"]["appKey"]

Keyword Arguments

filters::Dict : A dict of filters to pass to the mPulse Query API. For example Dict("page-group" => "foo-bar") will filter results to the foo-bar page-group. The resulting filters will be a merge of what is passed in and the default values with whatever is passed in taking precedence.

The default filters are:

    "date-comparator" => "Last24Hours",

The date-start and date-end filters accept a DateTime object while the date filter accepts a Date object.

If you'd like to use a ZonedDateTime, pass in its utc_datetime field:

filters = Dict(
    "date-comparator" => "Between",
    "date-start"      => ZonedDateTime(2016, 10, 19, 4, 30, TimeZone("America/New_York")).utc_datetime,
    "date-end"        => DateTime(2016, 10, 19, 16, 30)

To pass multiple values for a single filter, use an array:

filters = Dict(
    "beacon-type" => ["page view", "xhr", "spa", "spa_hard"],
    "page-group"  => ["product", "search"]


mPulseAPIAuthException : If the token is invalid or has expired.

mPulseAPIException : If the API returned a non-200 status. Inspect mPulseAPIException.response for details about the problem

mPulseAPIRequestException : If the API was unhappy with a request parameter

mPulseAPIResultFormatException : If the API response had a missing series element or data in an unexpected data type


{Dict} A Julia Dict with the following string keys:

median::Int : The median value for values in the histogram in milliseconds

p95::Int : The 95th percentile value for values in the histogram in milliseconds

p98::Int : The 98th percentile value for values in the histogram in milliseconds

buckets::DataFrame : Buckets for the histogram. These buckets are variable width. See below for a description.

julia> histo = mPulseAPI.getHistogram(token, appKey)
Dict{AbstractString,Any} with 4 entries:
  "median"  => 3439
  "p95"     => 12843
  "p98"     => 22816
  "buckets" => 117x3 DataFrames.DataFrame…

The buckets DataFrame has the following columns: :bucket_start, :bucket_end, :element_count

julia> histo["buckets"]
117x3 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | bucket_start | bucket_end | element_count |
| 1   | 1            | 2          | 1             |
| 2   | 3            | 4          | 3             |
| 3   | 4            | 5          | 8             |
| 4   | 5            | 6          | 7             |
| 5   | 6            | 7          | 9             |
| 6   | 7            | 8          | 8             |
| 7   | 8            | 9          | 14            |
| 8   | 9            | 10         | 13            |
| 9   | 10           | 11         | 17            |
| 10  | 11           | 12         | 15            |
| 11  | 12           | 13         | 19            |
| 12  | 13           | 14         | 18            |
| 13  | 14           | 15         | 19            |

Calls the metric-per-page-load-time endpoint of the mPulse REST API with the passed in filters


token::AbstractString : The Repository authentication token fetched by calling mPulseAPI.getRepositoryToken

appKey::AbstractString : The App Key (formerly known as API key) for the app to query. If you don't know the App Key, use mPulseAPI.getRepositoryDomain to fetch a domain and then inspect domain["attributes"]["appKey"]

Keyword Arguments

metric::AbstractString : The name of the metric that we want data for. If not specified, defaults to BounceRate

filters::Dict : A dict of filters to pass to the mPulse Query API. For example Dict("page-group" => "foo-bar") will filter results to the foo-bar page-group. The resulting filters will be a merge of what is passed in and the default values with whatever is passed in taking precedence.

The default filters are:

    "date-comparator" => "Last24Hours",

The date-start and date-end filters accept a DateTime object while the date filter accepts a Date object.

If you'd like to use a ZonedDateTime, pass in its utc_datetime field:

filters = Dict(
    "date-comparator" => "Between",
    "date-start"      => ZonedDateTime(2016, 10, 19, 4, 30, TimeZone("America/New_York")).utc_datetime,
    "date-end"        => DateTime(2016, 10, 19, 16, 30)

To pass multiple values for a single filter, use an array:

filters = Dict(
    "beacon-type" => ["page view", "xhr", "spa", "spa_hard"],
    "page-group"  => ["product", "search"]


mPulseAPIAuthException : If the token is invalid or has expired.

mPulseAPIException : If the API returned a non-200 status. Inspect mPulseAPIException.response for details about the problem

mPulseAPIRequestException : If the API was unhappy with a metric

mPulseAPIResultFormatException : If the API response had a missing series element or data in an unexpected data type


{DataFrame} A julia DataFrame mapping the Metric to a load time bucket:

julia> mPulseAPI.getMetricOverPageLoadTime(token, appKey)
60x2 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | t_done | BounceRate |
| 1   | 210    | missing      |
| 2   | 300    | 100.0      |
| 3   | 400    | missing      |
| 4   | 500    | 68.57      |
| 5   | 550    | 12.65      |
| 6   | 600    | 71.08      |
| 7   | 700    | 68.57      |
| 8   | 800    | 14.51      |
| 9   | 900    | 20.83      |
| 10  | 1050   | 24.58      |

Calls the metrics-by-dimension endpoint of the mPulse REST API with the passed in dimension name and filters


token::AbstractString : The Repository authentication token fetched by calling mPulseAPI.getRepositoryToken

appKey::AbstractString : The App Key (formerly known as API key) for the app to query. If you don't know the App Key, use mPulseAPI.getRepositoryDomain to fetch a domain and then inspect domain["attributes"]["appKey"]

dimension::AbstractString : The dimension to split metrics by. The response contains one row for each value of this dimension. The following dimensions are supported:

  • page_group
  • browser
  • country
  • bw_block
  • ab_test

See https://techdocs.akamai.com/mpulse/reference/get-metrics-by-dimension for an up-to-date list.

Keyword Arguments

filters::Dict : A dict of filters to pass to the mPulse Query API. For example Dict("page-group" => "foo-bar") will filter results to the foo-bar page-group. The resulting filters will be a merge of what is passed in and the default values with whatever is passed in taking precedence.

The default filters are:

    "date-comparator" => "Last24Hours",

The date-start and date-end filters accept a DateTime object while the date filter accepts a Date object.

If you'd like to use a ZonedDateTime, pass in its utc_datetime field:

filters = Dict(
    "date-comparator" => "Between",
    "date-start"      => ZonedDateTime(2016, 10, 19, 4, 30, TimeZone("America/New_York")).utc_datetime,
    "date-end"        => DateTime(2016, 10, 19, 16, 30)

To pass multiple values for a single filter, use an array:

filters = Dict(
    "beacon-type" => ["page view", "xhr", "spa", "spa_hard"],
    "page-group"  => ["product", "search"]


mPulseAPIAuthException : If the token is invalid or has expired.

mPulseAPIException : If the API returned a non-200 status. Inspect mPulseAPIException.response for details about the problem

mPulseAPIRequestException : If the API was unhappy with a request parameter

mPulseAPIResultFormatException : If the API response had data in an unexpected data type


{DataFrame} A Julia DataFrame with the following columns: :<dimension>, :<CustomMetric Name>...

julia> mPulseAPI.getMetricsByDimension(token, appKey, "browser")
243x4 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | browser                          | Conversion | OrderTotal | ServerDown  |
| 1   | "Mobile Safari/9"                | 1.381      | 1.62854e7  | 0.000994956 |
| 2   | "Chrome/50"                      | 1.98411    | 3.13401e7  | 0.0050615   |
| 3   | "Safari/9"                       | 3.08288    | 2.10698e7  | 0.00561545  |
| 4   | "Firefox/46"                     | 1.90974    | 8569362    | 0.00462406  |
| 5   | "Mobile Safari/8"                | 2.38545    | 2295848    | 0.0         |
| 6   | "Chrome/49"                      | 2.22828    | 4394331    | 0.0         |

Calls the page-groups endpoint of the mPulse REST API with the passed in filters


token::AbstractString : The Repository authentication token fetched by calling mPulseAPI.getRepositoryToken

appKey::AbstractString : The App Key (formerly known as API key) for the app to query. If you don't know the App Key, use mPulseAPI.getRepositoryDomain to fetch a domain and then inspect domain["attributes"]["appKey"]

Keyword Arguments

filters::Dict : A dict of filters to pass to the mPulse Query API. For example Dict("page-group" => "foo-bar") will filter results to the foo-bar page-group. The resulting filters will be a merge of what is passed in and the default values with whatever is passed in taking precedence.

The default filters are:

    "date-comparator" => "Last24Hours",

The date-start and date-end filters accept a DateTime object while the date filter accepts a Date object.

If you'd like to use a ZonedDateTime, pass in its utc_datetime field:

filters = Dict(
    "date-comparator" => "Between",
    "date-start"      => ZonedDateTime(2016, 10, 19, 4, 30, TimeZone("America/New_York")).utc_datetime,
    "date-end"        => DateTime(2016, 10, 19, 16, 30)

To pass multiple values for a single filter, use an array:

filters = Dict(
    "beacon-type" => ["page view", "xhr", "spa", "spa_hard"],
    "page-group"  => ["product", "search"]

friendly_names::Bool=false : Specify whether column names in the DataFrame should be human friendly or developer friendly (default)

Human friendly column names are:

Page Group, Median Time (ms), MoE (ms), Measurements, % of total

Developer friendly column names are:

:page_group, :t_done_median, :t_done_moe, :t_done_count, :t_done_total_pc


mPulseAPIAuthException : If the token is invalid or has expired.

mPulseAPIException : If the API returned a non-200 status. Inspect mPulseAPIException.response for details about the problem

mPulseAPIRequestException : If the API was unhappy with a request parameter

mPulseAPIResultFormatException : If the API response had data in an unexpected data type


{DataFrame} A Julia DataFrame with the following columns:

page_group, t_done_median, t_done_moe, t_done_count, and t_done_total_pc

julia> pgroups = mPulseAPI.getPageGroupTimers(token, appKey)
69x5 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | page_group                  | t_done_median    | t_done_moe | t_done_count | t_done_total_pc |
| 1   | www                         | 3090             | 40.6601    | 49904        | 46.3069         |
| 2   | blog                        | 2557             | 51.7651    | 17779        | 16.4975         |
| 3   | Search                      | 4587             | 88.988     | 7248         | 6.72556         |
| 4   | SKU                         | 3463             | 120.895    | 6885         | 6.38872         |
| 5   | PLU                         | 3276             | 116.507    | 6688         | 6.20592         |
| 6   | (No Page Group)             | 3292             | 165.514    | 2949         | 2.73643         |
| 7   | Checkout                    | 2875             | 169.091    | 2386         | 2.21402         |

Calls the sessions-per-page-load-time endpoint of the mPulse REST API with the passed in filters


token::AbstractString : The Repository authentication token fetched by calling mPulseAPI.getRepositoryToken

appKey::AbstractString : The App Key (formerly known as API key) for the app to query. If you don't know the App Key, use mPulseAPI.getRepositoryDomain to fetch a domain and then inspect domain["attributes"]["appKey"]

Keyword Arguments

filters::Dict : A dict of filters to pass to the mPulse Query API. For example Dict("page-group" => "foo-bar") will filter results to the foo-bar page-group. The resulting filters will be a merge of what is passed in and the default values with whatever is passed in taking precedence.

The default filters are:

    "date-comparator" => "Last24Hours",

The date-start and date-end filters accept a DateTime object while the date filter accepts a Date object.

If you'd like to use a ZonedDateTime, pass in its utc_datetime field:

filters = Dict(
    "date-comparator" => "Between",
    "date-start"      => ZonedDateTime(2016, 10, 19, 4, 30, TimeZone("America/New_York")).utc_datetime,
    "date-end"        => DateTime(2016, 10, 19, 16, 30)

To pass multiple values for a single filter, use an array:

filters = Dict(
    "beacon-type" => ["page view", "xhr", "spa", "spa_hard"],
    "page-group"  => ["product", "search"]


mPulseAPIAuthException : If the token is invalid or has expired.

mPulseAPIException : If the API returned a non-200 status. Inspect mPulseAPIException.response for details about the problem

mPulseAPIRequestException : If the API was unhappy with a request parameter


{DataFrame} A julia DataFrame mapping the Sessions to a load time bucket:

julia> mPulseAPI.getSessionsOverPageLoadTime(token, appKey)
60x2 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | t_done | Sessions   |
| 1   | 210    | 72         |
| 2   | 300    | 36         |
| 3   | 400    | 72         |
| 4   | 500    | 30         |
| 5   | 550    | 66         |
| 6   | 600    | 464        |
| 7   | 700    | 30         |
| 8   | 800    | 749        |
| 9   | 900    | 709        |
| 10  | 1050   | 1246       |

Calls the summary endpoint of the mPulse REST API with the passed in filters


token::AbstractString : The Repository authentication token fetched by calling mPulseAPI.getRepositoryToken

appKey::AbstractString : The App Key (formerly known as API key) for the app to query. If you don't know the App Key, use mPulseAPI.getRepositoryDomain to fetch a domain and then inspect domain["attributes"]["appKey"]

Keyword Arguments

filters::Dict : A dict of filters to pass to the mPulse Query API. For example Dict("page-group" => "foo-bar") will filter results to the foo-bar page-group. The resulting filters will be a merge of what is passed in and the default values with whatever is passed in taking precedence.

The default filters are:

    "date-comparator" => "Last24Hours",

The date-start and date-end filters accept a DateTime object while the date filter accepts a Date object.

If you'd like to use a ZonedDateTime, pass in its utc_datetime field:

filters = Dict(
    "date-comparator" => "Between",
    "date-start"      => ZonedDateTime(2016, 10, 19, 4, 30, TimeZone("America/New_York")).utc_datetime,
    "date-end"        => DateTime(2016, 10, 19, 16, 30)

To pass multiple values for a single filter, use an array:

filters = Dict(
    "beacon-type" => ["page view", "xhr", "spa", "spa_hard"],
    "page-group"  => ["product", "search"]


mPulseAPIAuthException : If the token is invalid or has expired.

mPulseAPIException : If the API returned a non-200 status. Inspect mPulseAPIException.response for details about the problem

mPulseAPIRequestException : If the API was unhappy with a request parameter


{Dict} A Julia Dict with the following string keys:

n::Int : The number of beacons with data about the requested timer

median::Int : The median of the requested timer in milliseconds

p95::Int : The 95th percentile value of the requested timer in milliseconds

p98::Int : The 98th percentile value of the requested timer in milliseconds

moe::Float : The 95% confidence interval margin of error on the arithmetic mean of the requested timer in milliseconds


julia> summary = mPulseAPI.getSummaryTimers(token, appKey)

Dict{Any,Any} with 5 entries:
  "n"      => 356317
  "median" => 3094
  "p95"    => 19700
  "p98"    => 40678
  "moe"    => 13.93

Calls the by-minute endpoint of the mPulse REST API with the passed in filters


token::AbstractString : The Repository authentication token fetched by calling mPulseAPI.getRepositoryToken

appKey::AbstractString : The App Key (formerly known as API key) for the app to query. If you don't know the App Key, use mPulseAPI.getRepositoryDomain to fetch a domain and then inspect domain["attributes"]["appKey"]

Keyword Arguments

timer::AbstractString : The name of the timer whose data we want. If not specified, defaults to PageLoad. Other possible values are:

 * PageLoad
 * DNS
 * TCP
 * SSL
 * FirstByte
 * DomLoad
 * DomReady
 * FirstLastByte
 * <all custom timers>

filters::Dict : A dict of filters to pass to the mPulse Query API. For example Dict("page-group" => "foo-bar") will filter results to the foo-bar page-group. The resulting filters will be a merge of what is passed in and the default values with whatever is passed in taking precedence.

The default filters are:

    "date-comparator" => "Last24Hours",

The date-start and date-end filters accept a DateTime object while the date filter accepts a Date object.

If you'd like to use a ZonedDateTime, pass in its utc_datetime field:

filters = Dict(
    "date-comparator" => "Between",
    "date-start"      => ZonedDateTime(2016, 10, 19, 4, 30, TimeZone("America/New_York")).utc_datetime,
    "date-end"        => DateTime(2016, 10, 19, 16, 30)

To pass multiple values for a single filter, use an array:

filters = Dict(
    "beacon-type" => ["page view", "xhr", "spa", "spa_hard"],
    "page-group"  => ["product", "search"]


mPulseAPIAuthException : If the token is invalid or has expired.

mPulseAPIException : If the API returned a non-200 status. Inspect mPulseAPIException.response for details about the problem

mPulseAPIRequestException : If the API was unhappy with a timer

mPulseAPIResultFormatException : If the API response had a missing series element or data in an unexpected data type


{DataFrame} A julia DataFrame containing timeseries data for the median value of the timer and its margin of error. The fields are: :timestamp in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch, :<TimerName> in milliseconds and :moe in milliseconds.

julia> data = mPulseAPI.getTimerByMinute(token, appKey, timer="PageLoad")
1440x3 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row  | timestamp     | PageLoad | moe  |
| 1    | 1463452800000 | 3679     | 135  |
| 2    | 1463452860000 | 3731     | 202  |
| 3    | 1463452920000 | 3706     | 116  |
| 4    | 1463452980000 | 3911     | 171  |
| 5    | 1463453040000 | 3757     | 181  |
| 6    | 1463453100000 | 3729     | 174  |
| 7    | 1463453160000 | 3779     | 174  |
| 8    | 1463453220000 | 3916     | 182  |

Calls the timers-metrics endpoint of the mPulse REST API with the passed in filters


token::AbstractString : The Repository authentication token fetched by calling mPulseAPI.getRepositoryToken

appKey::AbstractString : The App Key (formerly known as API key) for the app to query. If you don't know the App Key, use mPulseAPI.getRepositoryDomain to fetch a domain and then inspect domain["attributes"]["appKey"]

Keyword Arguments

filters::Dict : A dict of filters to pass to the mPulse Query API. For example Dict("page-group" => "foo-bar") will filter results to the foo-bar page-group. The resulting filters will be a merge of what is passed in and the default values with whatever is passed in taking precedence.

The default filters are:

    "date-comparator" => "Last24Hours",

The date-start and date-end filters accept a DateTime object while the date filter accepts a Date object.

If you'd like to use a ZonedDateTime, pass in its utc_datetime field:

filters = Dict(
    "date-comparator" => "Between",
    "date-start"      => ZonedDateTime(2016, 10, 19, 4, 30, TimeZone("America/New_York")).utc_datetime,
    "date-end"        => DateTime(2016, 10, 19, 16, 30)

To pass multiple values for a single filter, use an array:

filters = Dict(
    "beacon-type" => ["page view", "xhr", "spa", "spa_hard"],
    "page-group"  => ["product", "search"]


mPulseAPIAuthException : If the token is invalid or has expired.

mPulseAPIException : If the API returned a non-200 status. Inspect mPulseAPIException.response for details about the problem

mPulseAPIRequestException : If the API was unhappy with a request parameter

Exception : If there was an unexpected type error parsing response values


{DataFrame} A DataFrame with one column for each timer and metric. Known columns include:

  • :Beacons and :PageLoad will always be present.
  • :Sessions and :BounceRate will be present if session tracking is enabled (on by default)
  • :DNS, :TCP, :SSL, :FirstByte, :DomLoad, :DomReady and :FirstLastByte will be present if NavigationTiming is available (almost always available)
  • Custom Timers & Custom Metrics are included if defined and if they have data for the selected time period

The last row in the DataFrame is the latest value of the timer or metric. All preceding rows are historic values over the time period broken down by a predefined time unit. For example, for Last24Hours, there will be 1440 entries representing each minute in the 24 hour period.

julia> mPulseAPI.getTimersMetrics(token, appKey)
1441x16 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row  | PageLoad | DNS | DomLoad | DomReady | FirstByte | SSL | FirstLastByte | TCP | DOM Interactive | Sessions | BounceRate | Conversion | OrderTotal | Beacons |
| 1    | 3442     │ 46  │ 805     │ 3345     │ 732       │ 59  │ 2468          │ 36  │ 1696            │ 353      │ 34         │ 0.566572   │ 58652.0    │ 1808    │
| 2    | 3308     | 45  | 758     | 3173     | 705       | 56  | 2351          | 32  | 1620            | 331      | 30         | 2.1148     | 266219.0   | 1767    |
| 3    | 3412     | 38  | 794     | 3287     | 726       | 69  | 2360          | 31  | 1707            | 346      | 29         | 1.44509    | 209205.0   | 1806    |
| 4    | 3368     | 40  | 775     | 3250     | 701       | 51  | 2500          | 34  | 1670            | 354      | 32         | 2.25989    | 47354.0    | 1850    |
| 5    | 3346     | 37  | 754     | 3222     | 691       | 61  | 2516          | 31  | 1624            | 326      | 30         | 2.76074    | 132915.0   | 1742    |
| 6    | 3162     | 36  | 729     | 3040     | 665       | 86  | 2283          | 30  | 1611            | 382      | 28         | 1.57068    | 117284.0   | 1803    |
| 7    | 3453     | 39  | 862     | 3320     | 787       | 64  | 2471          | 32  | 1772            | 356      | 33         | 2.52809    | 108045.0   | 1727    |
| 8    | 3593     | 46  | 1028    | 3491     | 889       | 92  | 2495          | 33  | 1952            | 314      | 33         | 1.27389    | 150020.0   | 1715    |

Merge multiple similar DataFrames into a single DataFrame

Use this method to merge the results from multiple calls to getMetricOverPageLoadTime() and getSessionsOverPageLoadTime(). All passed in DataFrames MUST contain a :t_done column.


df1::DataFrame : The first DataFrame in the collection. This method requires at least one DataFrame to be passed in.

df2::DataFrame... : One or more DataFrame to be merged together with the first one

Keyword Arguments

keyField::Symbol=:t_done : The column name to join on. Defaults to :t_done

joinType::Symbol=:outer : The type of join to perform. Could be :inner, :outer, :left, :right, :cross.


KeyError : if the keyField column does not exist in all passed in DataFrames


  • If only one DataFrame is passed in, it is returned as-is. This is not a copy of the first DataFrame.
  • If multiple DataFrames are passed in, they are merged using an outer join on the keyField column, and the resulting DataFrame is returned. Since we perform an outer join, rows in any of the DataFrames that do not have a matching keyField value found in other DataFrames will be filled with missing
julia> sessions   = mPulseAPI.getSessionsOverPageLoadTime(token, appKey);
julia> bouncerate = mPulseAPI.getMetricOverPageLoadTime(token, appKey);
julia> conversion = mPulseAPI.getMetricOverPageLoadTime(token, appKey, metric="Conversion");

julia> mPulseAPI.mergeMetrics(sessions, bouncerate, conversion)
65x4 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | t_done | Sessions | BounceRate | Conversion |
| 1   | 6      | 1        | missing    | missing    |
| 2   | 10     | 2        | 50.0       | missing    |
| 3   | 12     | 2        | 100.0      | missing    |
| 4   | 17     | 1        | 100.0      | missing    |
| 5   | 30     | 1        | 100.0      | missing    |
| 6   | 34     | 1        | missing    | missing    |
| 7   | 40     | 1        | 100.0      | missing    |
| 8   | 60     | 2        | 100.0      | missing    |
| 9   | 70     | 1        | 100.0      | missing    |
| 10  | 120    | 2        | 100.0      | missing    |
| 11  | 140    | 1        | missing    | missing    |
| 12  | 170    | 1        | missing    | missing    |
| 13  | 190    | 1        | 100.0      | missing    |
| 14  | 230    | 1        | missing    | missing    |
| 44  | 3750   | 8332     | 29.5915    | 2.25043    |
| 45  | 3950   | 7957     | 31.7591    | 2.08962    |
| 46  | 4200   | 7342     | 34.9953    | 2.02302    |
| 47  | 4500   | 6783     | 37.0922    | 1.59947    |
| 48  | 4800   | 6140     | 40.2336    | 1.67129    |
| 49  | 5100   | 5530     | 42.2393    | 1.32839    |