NOTE: This tool is intended to be installed via the Akamai CLI package manager, which can be retrieved from the releases page of the Akamai CLI tool.
If left to these assumptions, the commands will perform slower than when these options are provided explicitly.
In order to use this configuration, you need to:
option.Account switching can be performed by providing the --account-key
option with account ID as the value.
The akamai appsec Kit is a set of nodejs libraries that wraps Akamai’s {OPEN} APIs to help simplify protection to the properties delivered by Akamai. This kit can be used as a no-fuss command line utility to interact with the library.
$ akamai appsec
Usage: akamai appsec <command> [options]
accept-recommendation Accept a recommendation.
activate Activate a version.
activation Get activation status.
activation-history List activation history for the configuration.
account-protection-transactional-endpoint Get a transactional endpoint by operation id for account protection.
account-protection-transactional-endpoint-list List all account protected transactional endpoints.
account-protection-transactional-endpoint-protection Display account protected advanced settings for transactional endpoints.
account-protection-settings Display account protection settings for a security policy.
account-protection-user-allow-list-id Display user allow list id for account protection.
account-protection-risk-actions Display allowed risk actions for account protected endpoints.
akamai-bot-category Display contents of akamai bot category.
akamai-bot-category-action Display contents of akamai bot category action.
akamai-bot-category-action-list List all akamai bot category action.
akamai-bot-category-list List all akamai bot category.
akamai-defined-bot Display contents of akamai defined bot.
akamai-defined-bot-list List all akamai defined bot.
api-endpoints List all api endpoints.
api-request-constraints-action Display API Request Constraint action.
api-pii-learning Display the API PII Learning settings.
attack-group Display attack group action in a policy.
attack-groups List all attack group actions in a policy.
attackgroup-condition-exception Display attack group exceptions.
bot-analytics-cookie Display contents of bot analytics cookie.
bot-analytics-cookie-values Display contents of bot analytics cookie values.
bot-detection Display contents of bot detection.
bot-detection-action Display contents of bot detection action.
bot-detection-action-list List all bot detection action.
bot-detection-list List all bot detection.
bot-endpoint-coverage-report Display contents of bot endpoint coverage report.
bot-endpoint-coverage-report-config-version Display contents of bot endpoint coverage report - config version.
bot-management-settings Display contents of bot management settings.
bot-protection-exceptions Display contents of bot protection exceptions.
bypass-network-lists List all bypass network lists.
challenge-action Display contents of challenge action.
challenge-action-list List all challenge action.
challenge-injection-rules Display contents of challenge injection rules.
challenge-interception-rules (Deprecated) Display contents of challenge interception rules.
client-side-security Display contents of client side security.
clone Clone a config.
clone-policy Clone security policy.
complete-eval Complete evaluation in a policy.
conditional-action Display contents of conditional action.
conditional-action-list List all conditional action.
configs List all available configurations.
content-protection-detections Display content protection detections.
content-protection-javascript-injection-rule-list Display contents of content protection javascript injection rules.
content-protection-javascript-injection-rule Display contents of content protection javascript injection rule.
content-protection-rule Display contents of content protection rule.
content-protection-rule-detection-settings Display overridden detection settings of content protection rule.
content-protection-rule-list List all content protection rules.
content-protection-rule-sequence Display contents of content bot category sequence.
contracts-groups List contracts and groups with KSD/WAP line items.
create-api-match-target Creates an API match target.
create-account-protection-transactional-endpoint-list Create List of transactional endpoints for account protection.
create-challenge-action Create a challenge action.
create-conditional-action Create a conditional action.
create-config Create a new security config.
create-content-protection-rule Create a content protection rule.
create-content-protection-javascript-injection-rule Create a content protection javascript injection rule.
create-custom-bot-category Create a custom bot category.
create-custom-client Create a custom client.
create-custom-defined-bot Create a custom defined bot.
create-custom-deny Create-custom-deny action.
create-custom-deny-action Create a custom deny action.
create-custom-rule Create a custom rule.
create-eval-penalty-box-conditions Create evaluation penalty box conditions in a policy.
create-malware-policy Create a malware policy.
create-match-target Creates a website match target.
create-penalty-box-conditions Create penalty box conditions in a policy.
create-rate-policy Create a rate policy.
create-recategorized-akamai-defined-bot Create a recategorized akamai defined bot.
create-reputation-profile Create a reputation profile.
create-security-policy Create a security policy.
create-serve-alternate-action Create a serve alternate action.
create-transactional-endpoint Create a transactional endpoint.
custom-bot-category Display contents of custom bot category.
custom-bot-category-action Display contents of custom bot category action.
custom-bot-category-action-list List all custom bot category action.
custom-bot-category-list List all custom bot category.
custom-bot-category-sequence Display contents of custom bot category sequence.
custom-bot-category-item-sequence Display contents of custom bot category item sequence.
custom-client Display contents of custom client.
custom-client-list List all custom client.
custom-client-sequence Display contents of custom client sequence.
custom-defined-bot Display contents of custom defined bot.
custom-defined-bot-list List all custom defined bot.
custom-deny Display contents of custom deny action.
custom-deny-action Display contents of custom deny action.
custom-deny-action-list List all custom deny action.
custom-deny-list List all custom deny actions.
custom-rule Display contents of custom rule.
custom-rules List all custom rules.
decline-recommendation Decline a recommendation.
delete-account-protection-transactional-endpoint Delete a account protected transactional endpoint.
delete-account-protection-user-allow-list-id Delete user allow list id for account protection.
delete-challenge-action Delete a challenge action.
delete-conditional-action Delete a conditional action.
delete-config Delete a security config.
delete-content-protection-rule Delete a content protection rule.
delete-content-protection-javascript-injection-rule Delete a content protection JavaScript injection rule.
delete-custom-bot-category Delete a custom bot category.
delete-custom-client Delete a custom client.
delete-custom-defined-bot Delete a custom defined bot.
delete-custom-deny Delete a custom deny action.
delete-custom-deny-action Delete a custom deny action.
delete-custom-rule Delete a custom rule.
delete-eval-penalty-box-conditions Delete evaluation penalty box conditions in a policy.
delete-malware-policy Delete an existing malware policy.
delete-match-target Deletes a match target.
delete-penalty-box-conditions Delete penalty box conditions in a policy.
delete-rate-policy Delete a rate policy.
delete-recategorized-akamai-defined-bot Delete a recategorized akamai defined bot.
delete-reputation-profile Delete a reputation profile.
delete-security-policy Delete a security policy.
delete-serve-alternate-action Delete a serve alternate action.
delete-transactional-endpoint Delete a transactional endpoint.
disable-api-request-constraints Disable API Request Constraint.
disable-attack-group Disable attack group in a policy.
disable-eval-penalty-box Disable evaluation penalty box in a policy.
disable-eval-rule-action Disable evaluation rule action in a policy.
disable-evasive-path-match Disable Evasive Path Match.
disable-http-header-logging Disable the HTTP Header Logging settings.
disable-malware-policy Remove actions to an existing malware policy in a firewall policy.
disable-override-http-header-logging Disable the HTTP Header Logging Override settings.
disable-penalty-box Disable penalty box in a policy.
disable-rate-policy Removes an action set to an existing rate policy in a policy.
disable-reputation-profile Disable the action for a reputation profile.
disable-rule-action Disable rule action in a policy.
disable-slow-post Disable slow post in a policy.
enable-api-request-constraints Set the API Request Constraint action.
enable-attack-group Enable attack group in a policy.
enable-custom-rule Assigns an action (such as alert or deny) to an existing custom rule in a policy.
enable-eval-penalty-box Enable evaluation penalty box in a policy.
enable-eval-rule-action Enable evaluation rule action in a policy.
enable-evasive-path-match Enable Evasive Path Match.
enable-http-header-logging Enable the HTTP Header Logging settings.
enable-malware-policy Assign actions to an existing malware policy in a firewall policy.
enable-override-http-header-logging Enable the HTTP Header Logging Override settings.
enable-penalty-box Enable penalty box in a policy.
enable-rate-policy Assigns an action to an existing rate policy in a policy.
enable-reputation-profile Enable and set the action for a reputation profile.
enable-rule-action Enable rule action in a policy.
enable-slow-post Enable slow post in a policy.
end-eval Stop evaluation in a policy.
eval-hostnames List all hosts under evaluation.
eval-penalty-box Display evaluation penalty box action in a policy.
eval-penalty-box-conditions Display evaluation penalty box conditions in a policy.
eval-rule-action Display evaluation rule action in a policy.
eval-rule-actions Display evaluation rules and actions in a policy.
eval-rule-condition-exception Display evaluation rule conditions and exceptions in a policy.
evasive-path-match Display the Evasive Path Match settings.
export Export a configuration version.
failover-hostnames List all failover hostnames on a config.
hostname-coverage Display the Hostname Coverage.
http-header-logging Display the HTTP Header Logging settings.
ip-geo-firewall Display the IP Geo Firewall network lists in a policy
javascript-injection-rules Display contents of javascript injection rules.
krs-rules-upgrade Upgrade the KRS rules in a policy.
malware-content-types List all malware content types.
malware-policies List all malware policies.
malware-policies-actions Display all enabled malware policy actions.
malware-policy Display contents of a malware policy.
match-target Read a match target.
match-target-order Change the match target sequence.
match-targets List all match targets.
mode Display the WAF Mode.
modify-account-protection-transactional-endpoint Update a transactional endpoint for account protection.
modify-account-protection-settings Modify account protection settings for a security policy.
modify-account-protection-user-allow-list-id Modify user allow list id for account protection.
modify-account-protection-transactional-endpoint-protection Modify account protected advanced settings for transactional endpoints.
modify-akamai-bot-category-action Update existing akamai bot category action.
modify-api-match-target Updates an API match target.
modify-attackgroup-condition-exception Update attack group exceptions.
modify-bot-analytics-cookie Update existing bot analytics cookie.
modify-bot-detection-action Update existing bot detection action.
modify-bot-management-settings Update existing bot management settings.
modify-bot-protection-exceptions Update existing bot protection exceptions.
modify-bypass-network-lists Update bypass network lists.
modify-challenge-action Update existing challenge action.
modify-challenge-injection-rules Update existing challenge injection rules.
modify-challenge-interception-rules (Deprecated) Update existing challenge interception rules.
modify-client-side-security Update existing client side security.
modify-conditional-action Update existing conditional action.
modify-content-protection-rule Update content protection rule.
modify-content-protection-javascript-injection-rule Update a content protection JavaScript injection rule.
modify-content-protection-rule-detection-settings Update detection settings of content protection rule.
modify-content-protection-rule-sequence Update existing content protection rule sequence.
modify-custom-bot-category Update existing custom bot category.
modify-custom-bot-category-action Update existing custom bot category action.
modify-custom-bot-category-sequence Update existing custom bot category sequence.
modify-custom-bot-category-item-sequence Update existing custom bot category item sequence.
modify-custom-client Update existing custom client.
modify-custom-client-sequence Update existing custom client sequence.
modify-custom-defined-bot Update existing custom defined bot.
modify-custom-deny Update existing custom deny action.
modify-custom-deny-action Update existing custom deny action.
modify-custom-rule Update existing custom rule.
modify-eval-hostnames Modify hostnames under evaluation.
modify-eval-penalty-box-conditions Modify evaluation penalty box conditions in a policy.
modify-eval-rule-condition-exception Update evaluation rule conditions and exceptions in a policy.
modify-google-recaptcha-secret-key Update existing google recaptcha secret key.
modify-hostnames Modify hostnames for the configuration version.
modify-ip-geo-firewall Update the IP Geo Firewall network lists in a policy
modify-javascript-injection-rules Update existing javascript injection rules.
modify-malware-policy Modify an existing malware policy.
modify-match-target Updates a website match target.
modify-penalty-box-conditions Modify penalty box conditions in a policy.
modify-pragma-header Update Pragma Header settings.
modify-prefetch-requests Update the Prefetch Requests settings.
modify-rate-policy Update existing rate policy.
modify-recategorized-akamai-defined-bot Update existing recategorized akamai defined bot.
modify-reputation-profile Update existing reputation profile.
modify-rule-condition-exception Update rule conditions and exceptions in a policy.
modify-security-policy Update a security policy.
modify-serve-alternate-action Update existing serve alternate action.
modify-siem Modify the SIEM settings.
modify-transactional-endpoint Update existing transactional endpoint.
modify-transactional-endpoint-protection Update existing transactional endpoint protection.
modify-version-notes Update the version notes.
penalty-box Display penalty box action in a policy.
penalty-box-conditions Display penalty box conditions in a policy.
policies List all security policies.
pragma-header Display Pragma Header settings.
prefetch-requests Display the Prefetch Requests settings.
protect-eval-hostnames Move evaluation hostnames to protection.
protections List all protections of a policy.
rate-policies List all rate policies.
rate-policies-actions List all enabled rate policies actions of a policy.
rate-policy Display contents of a rate policy.
recategorized-akamai-defined-bot Display contents of recategorized akamai defined bot.
recategorized-akamai-defined-bot-list List all recategorized akamai defined bot.
recommendations Display recommendations in a policy.
reputation-profile Display contents of a reputation profile.
reputation-profile-action Display the current reputation profile action.
reputation-profile-actions List all reputation profile actions.
reputation-profile-analysis Display the current reputation profile analysis settings.
reputation-profiles List all reputation profiles.
reset-recommendation Reset a recommendation.
response-actions-list List all response actions.
restart-eval Restart evaluation in a policy.
rotate-bot-analytics-cookie-values Rotate bot analytics cookie values.
rule-action Display rule action in a policy.
rule-actions List all rule actions in a policy.
rule-condition-exception Display rule conditions and exceptions in a policy.
security-policy Display contents of security policy.
selectable-hostnames List all selectable hostnames.
selected-hostnames List all currently chosen hostnames.
serve-alternate-action Display contents of serve alternate action.
serve-alternate-action-list List all serve alternate action.
set-mode Set the WAF Mode.
set-protections Update protections of a policy.
set-reputation-profile-analysis Set the reputation profile analysis settings.
siem Display the SIEM settings.
siem-definitions List all siem definitions.
slow-post Display contents of slow post in a policy.
start-eval Start evaluation in a policy.
structured-rule-template Prints sample JSON of a structured custom rule. [aliases: srt]
transactional-endpoint Display contents of transactional endpoint.
transactional-endpoint-list List all transactional endpoint.
transactional-endpoint-protection Display contents of transactional endpoint protection.
update-eval Update evaluation in a policy.
upgrade-details Display rules updates.
version Read a config version.
version-notes Display the version notes.
versions List all config versions.
Command options:
--json Print the raw json response. All commands respect this option. [boolean]
--edgerc The full path to the .edgerc file. [string]
--section The section of .edgerc to use. [string]
--help Prints help information. [commands: help] [boolean]
--version Current version of the program. [boolean]
--account-key Account ID to switch to when performing the operation [string]
Copyright (C) Akamai Technologies, Inc
Visit for detailed documentation
For details about any individual command including arguments, options, and command options, you can run -
akamai appsec <command> --help
This script wraps all of the functionality from the library into a command line utility which can be used to support the following use cases.
Akamai customers can currently configure delivery of a new web property using the PAPI API/CLI. This use case enables protecting these new web properties. This protection is limited to adding the host to an existing security policy. The typical steps are listed in the following table:
# | Commands | Comments |
1 | akamai property create | |
2 | akamai property activate | |
3 | akamai appsec configs |
4 | akamai appsec versions --config <config id> |
5 | akamai appsec clone --config <config id> |
Optional. You can skip this step if you choose to use an existing editable1 configuration version |
6 | akamai appsec selectable-hostnames |
7 | akamai appsec modify-hostnames @input.json --append |
8a | akamai appsec policies --config <config id> --version <version number> |
8b | akamai appsec create-match-target --hostnames <comma separated hostnames> --paths <comma separated paths> --policy <security policy id> |
8c | akamai appsec match-target-order --insert <match target id> --config <config id> --version <version number> |
8d | akamai appsec modify-match-target <match target id> add-hostname <hostname> |
9 | akamai appsec activate --network <activation network> --notes <activation notes> --notify <emails> |
10 | akamai appsec activation --activation-id <activation id> |
Adding or updating a custom rule to the protection of a hostname requires a change to a policy. The custom rule action API is used to enable the custom rule.
# | Commands | Comments |
1 | akamai appsec clone --config <config id> |
Optional. You can skip this step if you choose to use an existing editable1 configuration version |
2 | akamai appsec structured-rule-template > structuredRule.json |
This prints a template json to the standard output. You must edit this template appropriately before creating the custom rule |
3 | vim structuredRule.json |
4 | akamai appsec create-custom-rule @structuredRule.json |
5 | akamai appsec enable-custom-rule --custom-rule <custom rule id> --policy <security policy id> --action <alert or deny> |
6 | akamai appsec activate --network <activation network> --notes <activation notes> --notify <emails> |
7 | akamai appsec activation --activation-id <activation id> |
The Akamai CLI is a new tool and as such we have made some design choices worth mentioning.
1A configuration version is editable if it is not active currently or in the past in any of the environments(staging or production).